Custom Brokerage Secure & Reliable

Customs brokerage, also known as customs clearing or customs brokering, is the process of facilitating the shipment of pets across international borders. A customs broker acts as an agent on behalf of importers and exporters, ensuring that our pets are imported/exported in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. It is a complex field that requires knowledge of international trade regulations, logistics, and supply chain management. Many companies choose to outsource customs brokerage services to specialized firms that have the expertise and resources necessary to navigate the global trade landscape

We are responsible for filing the necessary paperwork, obtaining permits, paying duties and taxes, and communicating with government agencies such as customs authorities. They also provide guidance on customs regulations, tariff classifications, and other trade-related issues.

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Custom Brokerage FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Overall, shipping rates can be volatile due to a range of factors that are often beyond the control of shipping companies and their customers. To manage these fluctuations, businesses can work with shipping providers to develop flexible shipping strategies that can adapt to changing market conditions.

The choice of freight payment method can depend on several factors, including the type of pets being shipped, the shipping distance, and the relationship between the shipper and the carrier. Businesses can work with their shipping providers to determine the most appropriate payment method for their needs.

Overall, the process for picking up a pet at the destination will depend on the specific details of your shipment, so it’s important to communicate closely with us  and follow our instructions carefully.

Overall, shipping rates can be volatile due to a range of factors that are often beyond the control of shipping companies and their customers. To manage these fluctuations, businesses can work with shipping providers to develop flexible shipping strategies that can adapt to changing market conditions.

The choice of freight payment method can depend on several factors, including the type of pets being shipped, the shipping distance, and the relationship between the shipper and the carrier. Businesses can work with their shipping providers to determine the most appropriate payment method for their needs.

Overall, the process for picking up a pet at the destination will depend on the specific details of your shipment, so it’s important to communicate closely with us  and follow our instructions carefully.